Commercial Ozone Laundry System Introduction:
Commercial Ozone Laundry system has a
tremendous advantage over the traditional use of chemical-based detergents, hot water and hazardous chemical solvents used in industrial washing like Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaners respectively. Using ozone laundry a
distinct amount of revenue can be saved in the use of chemicals, hot water
generation, and energy.
Commercial Ozone Laundry system is
introduced as one of the most unique and revolutionary techniques that
have come along in a long time. For more than two to three decades ozone
laundry has been used commercially in industrial as well as commercial sectors.
Furthermore, the operating cost of
the traditional laundry to wash tons of linen daily like in Hospitals, Hotels, Defence, Railways,
Hostels, etc. is very high. This is due to the use of expensive chemicals,
fresh hot water requirements, huge electricity, and the use of trained and
untrained laborers.
Disposing of
hazardous chemicals by using effluent treatment plants is another cost involved
in traditional laundry. All the parts of the washer extractor coming into
contact with ozone are made up of high-grade stainless steel like SS 310/S
which is corrosion resistant and is also used in manufacturing furnaces and in
the food processing industries.
Ozone Laundry Disinfection System :
Imagine doing your
laundry without hot water and with little or no detergent, imagine the impact
on the environment, imagine the impact on your health, without chemicals in
your clothes which are held next to your skin, imagine the savings one would
experience by not having to heat the water or by that detergent, imagine how
much longer your clothes can last without the chemicals that break down
Some of the largest
and most respected hotels and hospitals in the world already use ozone laundry
systems. Obviously these systems have always been very large and very expensive, making
them impractical for use in the home. Ozone laundry what we are talking about
is using the power of nature's cleaning agents infused into your water to clean
your laundry.
Clearly the water itself literally does the cleaning. It requires no detergent at all as long as the stains are pre-treated as they would with traditional laundry methods. Some users use a small amount of detergent because of the oxidation. Infused water empowers their detergent to work even better. You may be wondering, what do I mean when I say oxidation infused water? This method of laundry is very helpful in corona pandemic.
Ozone Laundry System Operations:
How does the commercial ozone laundry system transform regular tap water into a powerful cleaning agent? Well, when water starts flowing through an ozone generator, the flow switch turns on activating the unit, as water flows through the venturi (Tube used to Control Liquid Flow), advanced oxidation gasses and electrical energy is injected into the water, and advanced oxidation gasses include ozone,
Ozone composed of three
oxygen atoms: Hydrogen peroxide composed of two oxygen and two hydrogen
atoms, the ionization or electrical charges are the third element. Due to
advanced oxidation gasses and an electrical energy travels through the static
mixer and they are dissolved into the water literally infused into the water.
Now that the water is
infused with oxidation and ionization, it travels out of the unit through the
hose and into the washing machine ready to do the work, the
dissolved oxidizers will lead to the creation of hydroxyl radicals or what we
call it Oh H molecules. With oxygen singlets and molecular oxygen, you get
equal or greater cleaning power compared with traditional soaps or caustic
chemicals and that is without all the dangers.
Ozone Laundry Disinfection Chemistry in Short:
Hydroxyl radicals are
number two on the scale of the most powerful oxidizer known to man. The only
compound more powerful is fluorine gas, which is highly toxic, you could never
use it for laundry. The old staple chlorine is 16th on the list and that is
what we have always depended upon which is not very good therefore hydroxyl
radicals are the safest and most effective element to use. to remove stains
and odors and to kill bacteria and viruses.
Oxidation breaks down
virtually all organic soil into non-harmful compounds such as carbon dioxide and
water. Water, along with dissolved gasses, such as oxidizers penetrate and open individual
garment fibers. Allowing faster cleaning without the use of detergent.
When the ozone unit
delivers water to your washing machine, you will have four of the top oxidizers
available to do the cleaning: hydroxyl radicals, atomic oxygen, ozone molecular
oxygen, and hydrogen peroxide are all president and active. The overall result
is a considerable reduction in washing and drying times and wider cleaner
and softer garments.
Benefits of Commercial Ozone Laundry System:
A) Ozone laundry system will save you money in three areas:
1. First and foremost people
look for the most energy savings, there is no need to heat
water for your wash cycle and your dryer will use less energy because
there is less water trapped inside the fabrics.
2. Secondly, you do not need to charge for the cost
of laundry detergent continuing to rise,
especially for those using so-called gentle detergents, ozone wash can
eliminate that expense entirely if you choose.
3. Thirdly, your clothes and linens will last longer as detergents contain abrasive chemicals that breakdown fabrics, shortening their useful life for example, in a typical family of four dependent on energy costs and detergent used, ozone wash saves 300 to 600 dollars per year not including the damage done by detergent which shortens the life of clothing.
B) Operating Cost:
We are frequently
asked about the cost of operating ozone laundry system, let me tell you there are no
parts to replace in the ozone generator unit periodically and ozone wash is a
solid-state device that uses about the same amount of electricity as a 20 watt
light bulb. This is a significant return on your investment.
C) Are Ozone Laundry Systems Safe? Health Benefits:
In addition, ozone laundry provides health benefits. In traditional laundry, detergent is never completely rinsed out of your clothing. This means that you walk around all day with chemicals held against your skin. Your skin is the largest and most absorbent organ in your body so you are constantly absorbing these dangerous chemicals.
It is no wonder that so many people experience chemical sensitivity. In today’s world, ozone laundry eliminates the need for detergent, thereby eliminating the need to remove chemicals from your clothes and also from your laundry room, where you breathe in these chemicals.
D) Disinfecting Clothes:
While doing your
laundry ozone wash also makes your linens and garments safer and
more sterile by destroying deadly bacteria and
viruses interestingly, the US EPA (Environment Protection Agency)
recognizes this technology as the safest disinfectant available and
significantly more effective than chlorine, which is not safe at
E) Removes Odor and Laundry Waste:
Have you ever left
your laundry in the washing machine for several days and come back to find it
smelling sour? Ozone washing also reduces your negative impact on the environment.
Traditional laundry
wastewater includes hefty amounts of chlorine bleach chemicals and acids
fragrance softeners, and more. All of this means that the wastewater coming
from your laundry room is not very friendly to the environment, these compounds
deplete oxygen, they increase the growth of algae, they kill fish, that same
wastewater becomes our drinking water.
F) Textile Strength:
Chlorine bleach is used with extreme hot water when mixed
together, a chemical reaction occurs that damages the
fibers of textiles? With ozone, this chemical reaction is
By experiencing ozone, Wash. users have reported that their textile life has increased by 30% or more.
G) Major reduction in Natural Gas and Electricity COST:
Almost half the natural gas consumption used in the laundry business is
utilized for heating water. The other half is used in drying the linen.
Ozone Laundry Systems may eliminate 90% or more of hot water.
Some facilities have turned their hot water heaters off! On average,
100-bed nursing homes could save a minimum of $1,200 per month on
their utility bills.
H) Faster Water Filling Rate:
Ozone Laundry Systems utilizes a large ozone-resistant water valve to fill your washers. These valves work differently from your existing valves, and in most cases, they will fill your washers in less than half the normal fill time. This saves you time, which in turn saves you money!
I) Shorter Wash Cycle:
In normal laundry conditions, the ‘‘cleaning window’’ of a wash cycle is only used during detergent and bleach steps. This cleaning window is usually 1/3 of the total wash cycle time. With Ozone Laundry Systems, the entire wash cycle is the cleaning window. When your washer fills with water, in most cases it is cold-ozonated water.
This means
that every time your washer fills (wash cycles fill at least 5
times), it is getting a fresh dose of ozonated water. This effect
makes the ‘‘cleaning window’’ the entire cycle. By lengthening
the cleaning window, we can shorten the entire cycle by as much
as 20%. What does this do for you? 20% faster wash cycles
mean the possibility of running laundry 20% fewer hours
per day, per week, and per year!
J) Shorter Drying Time:
Ozone penetrates the fibers of your linen. This is evident in
the thicker and fluffier towels that are always dry after being
zoned. Ozone helps to release moisture in the dryers and on a flat-work
ironer, thus creating much faster drying times as well. In most
cases, drying time has decreased by 20%. This decrease also reduces gas and
electricity consumption in the dryers by up to 20%.
Conclusion on Using Ozone Laundry System:
Ozone wash adds
oxygen, it reverses the trend, imagines the impact on our environment if everyone
uses ozone wash it would be amazing and finally, ozone wash does laundry
Why do we wash our clothes so they look clean, so they look great, so they feel great and they smell great, we have talked about how effectively ozone laundromats can clean your clothes and your linens with no detergent residue, they look and feel great.
One comment we
frequently hear is how wonderfully clothes smell with ozone wash, detergents
provide fragrances to improve the smell, but with ozone washing
your clothes can smell like they have been out drying on the open line in
the fresh air. outdoor air has a natural pure freshness that cannot be
obtained in any other way.
Consider that ozone wash pays for itself. Consider your health, consider the environment, consider the quality of life achieved by having clean fresh smell clothing commercial ozone laundry system is the solution, it is revolutionizing the way laundry is done.